en ImageMovement, Berlín, Alemania.
"V", un film de Tobias Yves Zintel
1ro. de Diciembre de 2015, 20.30hs.
Con la participación de:
Tanja Krone-Gregoria Gog / Azul Blaseotto + Eduardo Molinari / Syabonga Mthembu /
Justin Time / Klaus Trappmann / Taisya Krugovykh + Vasily Bogatov / Andreas Liebmann / Artur van Balen / Aya Tarek / Karl Phillips / María Tengarrinha / Akseli Virtanen / Alina Popa + Florian Flueras
En Julio de 2014, La Dársena participó del Vagabundenkongress (Congreso de los Vagabundos) en la ciudad alemana de Stuttgart. Invitados por Tanja Krone y Wanja Saatkamp fuimos parte del encuentro que nucleó artistas, teóricos, activistas y economistas de distintas partes del mundo con el objetivo de unirse en un ejercicio de pensamiento colectivo, realizar una presentación al interior de las salas del Theater Rampe y una acción en el espacio público. Uno de los resultados de dicho intercambio es "V", film del realizador alemán Tobias Yves Zintel.
El 1ro. de diciembre dicha película fue proyectada para el público en ImageMovement / Artist Films, Films on Art, Artists Records, en la ciudad de Berlín. Compartimos aquí el link al film, a través del cual pueden conocer algo de lo que pasó en aquél verano vagabundo.
Can – from the margins of society – a spanning, overlapping
contemporary artists movement be written, that acts both aesthetically and
1929 Gregor Gog, author and editor of Der Kunde, gathered tramps,
sympathetic artists, solidary activists, members of the reform movement, and
homeless persons in the Weissenhofsiedlung – an estate in the city of Stuttgart
– for a Vagabundenkongreß (congress of vagabonds). Besides a
political and artistic experiment, Gog's goal was to unite the participants in
an utopian brotherhood in spirit. 85 years later, the Theater Rampe in
Stuttgart hosted a re-enacting of Vagabundenkongreß. Again the
central question was how can a fair and free community arise.
In »V«
Tobias Yves Zintel is gathering this temporary community of artists,
theorists, activists and economists in front of his camera. Action, fiction and
documentary are closely intertwined in his approach. »V« distances
itself from the idea of an utopian community, and focuses on the voices of
individuals. Zintel is looking for particular reasons.
Documenting and staging narratives of personal experiences, dreams, passions.
Editorial reflection and magical realism alternate.
image of a community arises, arriving from a multitude of locations and
approaching the utopian questions of the congress. It becomes apparent that
also in our today world no clear and common answers are to be found. »No brotherhood is possible.«
Movement | Artist Films, Films on Art, Artists Records
Strasse 18 I D-10178 Berlin I Mo–Sa, 11am–7pm
+49-30 - 308 819 780 Fax +49-30 - 288 840 352